• How To Teach Your Dog Not To Jump

    Jumpy dogs are excited dogs. They like to see you when you get home, and they're excited that they'll have some company, some fun, a walk, or some food. But jumping is a behavior that can cause injury, especially to young children or to frail visitors. You want your dog to learn to sit calmly when someone comes to the door. This is a skill that can be taught. Here's how you can help your dog learn to sit instead of jump, even when excited. [Read More]

  • Do You Need A Guard Dog?

    While many people are content to rely on a home security system, there are several disadvantages. Depending on the type of system, it may not be quite as secure as you think it is. Would it still work if the phone lines went down or a would-be intruder cut the phone line? Does it rely on a strong internet signal? What about if the power goes out or the electric is cut off to the home? [Read More]

  • Would You Benefit from the Emotional Support of a Pet?

    Many people can benefit from the emotional support and companionship of a pet, yet may not realize it. An emotional support animal is typically a pet that helps the handler with mental health symptoms, and that a mental health professional endorses as therapeutic for the individual. While many emotional support pets are not registered, it is best to follow state guidelines to register your emotional support pet to ensure you receive emotional support animal certification and you can take the pet in certain places, businesses, or establishments, and that your rights are protected by law. [Read More]

  • Tips For Training Your Dog For Police Work

    If you have a dog that you are considering training for police work, you are likely nervous and excited. You might be excited to do something so worthwhile with the relationship that you have with your dog, as well as nervous because you might not be entirely sure how to get the job done. Once you have the tasks that your dog needs to be trained to do, here are some tips to make training him or her to do those tasks a lot easier. [Read More]

  • Planning On Adding A Kitten To Your Family? 3 Ways Training Can Get Your Dog Ready

    If you're the owner of a dog and have plans to bring home a kitten sometime soon, it's important that you ready yourself by getting extensive dog training done. Many dog owners make the mistake of skipping dog training, leading to their dog chasing after their cat and a number of other problems related to their dog and healthy habits. If you want your kitten to be comfortable when you bring them home, it's vital that you look into how you can get your dog ready with the help of a professional dog trainer, such as those found at Best Paws-Abilities. [Read More]

  • Puppy Chewing 101: A Guide For New Puppy Owners

    Bringing home a new puppy is always going to bring along with it some challenges, but if there is one challenge that tops them all, it is preventing the pup from chewing, gnawing, and shredding everything he could possible fit his mouth around. The chewing phases that a puppy goes through can be enough to make you regret ever getting a puppy at all. However, you can easily nip this annoying puppy behavior and find a way to get through with a little insider information about the whole ordeal. [Read More]

  • Tips For Teaching Basic Manners To Your Family's New Puppy

    Nothing can try your patience more than having a new puppy living in your home. While puppies are fun to play with and snuggle, they need to be taught basic manners while they are still young. Early training for puppies is essential to keep the sanity of everyone in your household and to train your puppy how to become an obedient adult dog. Follow these tips to keep your sanity while training your family's new puppy: [Read More]

  • Overcoming Of The Clippers: Tips For Clipping Your Frightened Puppy's Nails

    You've just adopted a puppy and you couldn't feel more excited. However, you quickly realize how sharp your new family member's claws are. Your pups claws may interfere with playtime and wreak havoc on your rugs. Clipping your puppy's nails is an important part of responsible pet ownership. It prevents your dog from suffering damage to his feet, saves you from painful scratches, and averts tears in your rugs. Although clipping his or her nails may seem like an easy task, you may be surprised when your pup runs and hides as soon as you pull the clippers out. [Read More]